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HOOGE 05_57
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n ñ o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Á É Í Ó Ú á é í ó ú ? ! ( % ) [ # ] { @ } / & - + ÷ × = ® © $ ¢ * ç
¿Es la vida un juego?
Press Start

Welcome, it's time for pleasure, forget your worries and come along.
We've got the mighty poems, the fulminations, the magic songs.
Come ride the roller coasters, come seek the treasures and fight the foes.
But if you want excitement wait 'till you see the star of our show.
Oooh, Arlecchina!
She's formless; she's tall and thin and short and fat.
She's great fun; she'll mock you dead and crack you up.
She's playful; she juggles hearts as well as balls.
She knows how; it's not the power, it's the control.
Oooh, Arlecchina!
Oooh, Arlecchina, we can't forget you're the devil's bride.
Oooh, Arlechinna, you don't play fair, you take all the sides.
Oooh, Arlecchina, you can no longer tell real life from role.
Oooh, Arlecchina, you're the stock character that breaks the mold.
Let's play. The game is on. Your life is on the table, the prize is unknown.
Let's play. There are no rules. You're driving blind on gut feeling, don't follow them fools.
Just throw the dice and give in to temptation. Your starting move requires just motivation.
Beware. Nothing is fair. The path is fraught with peril, risk and despair.
It's cruel. No training school. Put on your finest armor and choose the right tools.
And when the odds betray your expectations, the coming round may bring a spell of adventure.
Over the rail there's no horizon, just the clear blue sky. Over the rail, lovely attraction and the promise of uncertainty tonight.
Let's play. Keep moving on. Now that the game is running there's no way to stop.
Let's play. Bring your own deck. Stacked or cold, it won't matter, we know it's your neck.
'Cause when the cards are up and we start counting, your one regret will be if you didn't try something.
Over the rail there's no horizon, just the clear blue sky. Over the rail, grim satisfaction, as you get another try when you wake up.
Log on. Go to school. Learn to be sensational. We have great expectations for you, young man. You can log off now.
Log on. Watch TV. Become aspirational. Make sure that your parents buy you everything that you might want. You can log off now.
Log on. Get a job. We need you operational. The money's crap but we'll provide you with a juicy credit line.
We'll improve your UX now.
Log on. Have beliefs and be confrontational. We'll teach you how to fear and hate the guys who aren't in your club. You can log off now.
Log on. Go and do something recreational. It's important to us that you think your life is in your hands.
We'll improve your UX now.
You can log on: Hello. You can log off: Goodbye. As long as you sign us to improve your UX now.
You can log on: Hello. You can log off: Goodbye. You know you want us to improve your UX now.
You can log on: Hello. You can log off: Goodbye. As long as you sign us to improve your UX now.
You can log on: Hello. You can log off: Goodbye. It's important to us.
Sorry. You have been discontinued.
Please let us be big dinosaurs. Please let us die right here. Now let a billion years go by and turn us into high priced fossil fuel.
Let us be drilled out by Arab kings. We shall make them very rich. Now please process and refine us into 98 octane gasoline.
We will wind up in a gas station. We will be poured in your nice sports car. We will provide the extra kick that you need to run over those paleontologists.
(See how they run.)
Please let us be big dinosaurs…
When I wake up I am inside a strange room. Energy walls define a simple labyrinth. There are some robots, they all try to kill me. I'd better run and use my laser gun to flee.
It is a wonder that I made it. I seem to be in another screen. It is amazing that I made it. Where are you taking me?
Now I must cross ramps and climb up some ladders, some crazy monkey seems to throw stuff at me. I must get out of this industrial setting, I think I see an exit right on top of me.
It is a wonder that I made it. I seem to be in another screen. It is amazing that I made it. Where are you taking me?
Now I have grown a never-ending hunger, I must devour as many dots as I can get. The chasing monsters have become predictable. A power pellet and I'll swallow them as well.
It is a wonder that I made it. I seem to be in a split screen. It is amazing that I made it. Where are you taking me?
Let's go to the movies, a big feature film. There'll be unsung heroes and a nice plot twist.
All the gals are pretty; they will sing and dance. And the money's flowing. It's a good, good life.
Weathered gunslingers, fencing castle guards, the hard-boiled detectives, bored aristocrats.
Desperado pirates, drinking socialites, psychopathic villains, sexy femmes fatales.
They are all so witty that they'll make you smart. But the sick child dying is bound to make you sad.
Watch the drama unfolding with suspense and thrills, Incurably romantics get a final kiss.
[ Instrumental ]
[ Instrumental ]
Paco, Alberto, Sabi, Enrique, Celia y Javier; Helvia, Elena, Caterina, Julio y Manel; Jaime, Ceci, Paula, Arantxa, Carlos de la Hoz.
Santos, Pili, Eva, Hipólito, Sergio y Samuel; Pablo, Foncho, Tim O'Nellin, Willy y Miguel; Juan, Fernando, Álex, Los Caro, Ernesto, Константин.
Colegas, colegas.
Juan, Nidal y sus luceros, Miki y José Luis; Bruno, Yago, Ana, Cristina, Jorge y Beatriz; Mónica, Antonio, Nacho, Fra y Pegamín.
Jacobo, Lola, Virginia, Chema, Isabel; Radevoye y Mariona, Richie, Picco, Esther; Héctor, Marcos, Sara, Silvia, Rocío, Fede, Usted.
Colegas, colegas.
There's the barman with brand new tattoos; the girl who loves to drop the other shoe;
Learned colleagues that haven't got a clue… They all conspire to make you lose your cool, yet
Ooh, woo hoo! You know there's another crew.
There's the guy with "Just a point of view"; the one who's got no time to flush the loo;
The fashion slave with drooping pantaloons… You clear the premises —and none too soon, 'cause
Ooh, woo hoo! You know there's another crew.
I've got an android friend. We make up music and we make pretend. We steal from everyone in town; we just love to tread on forbidden ground.
He likes to smoke indoors. What he can't annoy he just deplores. He mooches drinks with charming mocks (he loves his whiskey on the rocks.)
I've got an android friend. He's politically incorrect; he will tell you what he sees and is not programmed for euphemism.
He reads with a poet's heart. He excels at black and martial arts. He knows all the jokes concerning farts and he likes his women big and smart.
When are you going to make him feel at home? Is it because he knows much more than we know? He travels to places we only dream of. He takes life one day at a time, as it comes.
I've got an android friend. We're so fond of disregarding trends. Every night we break a few taboos; we will take the feet if they fit the shoes.
We turn up where you least expect. To the howling wolf we pay respect. >You may see us dressed as honking clowns, but our elegance is beyond doubt.
Please call me, please take me, will you be my friend? I'll play you, you'll play me, we'll laugh 'till the end. You be nice, I'm naughty, or we can reverse. I want you to have fun; why make it so strange?
When are you going to make him feel at home? Is it because he knows much more than we know? He travels to places we only dream of. He takes life one day at a time, as it comes.
No man's land. No man's land.
When crossing the line of fire it's best to be spry. Someone could be waiting, someone willing to let fly.
No man's land. You remain walking through the no man's land.
When the sun is rising all the corpses look so fine. By the time it goes down you'll be drinking nerve gas wine.
No man's land. You remain walking through the no man's land.
I love inspiring contradiction, sweet lies and silly repetition. (You could never rhyme it or follow the beat.) But I'll give you a reason to abandon the script.
I like a touch of the surreal, the strange and all that they conceal. (You could never rhyme it or follow the beat.) But I'll make it crazy and you'll find it so neat.
I don't care if it makes sense as long as you can free yourself. (Yet you never rhyme it or follow the beat. But I can create worlds that'll make you complete.
Let me open doors for you, and tell you tales of levity. (Only if you rhyme it and follow the beat.) I would rather lay the universe at your feet.
I like a story that's unreal, bizarre and not overly genteel. (But you never rhyme it or follow the beat!) There are other things that maybe make up for it.
I need a sense of evocation, of realms beyond my comprehension. (If only you could rhyme it and follow some beat…) I hear what you're saying but I don't care a whit.
(I just want to rhyme it and follow the beat.) You'll have lots of company if you make it so bleak. (Couldn't we please rhyme it and follow the beat?) Only if we make it very foolish indeed.
Sitting all alone, you know there's rhyming, rhyming to be done.
Thinking do's & don'ts, there's rhyming to be done. Rhyming to be done.
You could rhyme it sometimes, poet or clown, you could rhyme it sometimes.
One, you suck on your thumb, having fun in the sun while you play with a gun.
Two, you buckle your shoe, see the blue kangaroo with the snazzy tattoo.
Three, you dance on your knees, when you drink your tea on a tree by the sea.
Four, and you're locking the door, while the worlds beyond do remain unexplored.
You could rhyme it sometimes, poet or clown, you could rhyme it sometimes.
Rundfunk. Fliegende Wellen füllen die Räume, kommen zur mir.
Rundfunk… Wie Laserstrahlen durch die Luft schneidet; mein Gerät bebt.
Rundfunk. Die Antennen brennen. Die Lautsprecher krächzen. Die Sendung läuft.
Rundfunk. Ich höre Radio. Der Ton immer siegt. Nie mehr Funkstill.
Welcome to the other side.
A new perception, a new altered state of the mind.
There's no reason not to glide to the other side.
Crazy feats and lovely treats on the other side.
Sing with Jekyll, dance with Hyde on the other side.
Not a thing to be denied on the other side.
The pain is over and the noise has faded away.
Houston, you have a problem. You're in a tight spot. You're in a mess.
Houston, your days are numbered. Your credit's run out. You don't have a prayer.
Houston, you have a problem. You're a dead man walking but don't know it yet.
Houston, your doom awaits you. Your life is finished. The end is fucking nigh.
We're coming back. You have a problem.
Houston, you have a problem. You're in a pickle. You're in a fix.
Houston, you're case is hopeless. You face a crisis. You're all gonna die.
Houston, you have a problem. You're in deep trouble. We'll give you merry hell.
Houston, no use in crying. You cannot hide. There is nowhere to run.
We're coming back. You have a problem.
Houston, you have a problem. You're in a big jam. Your ass belongs to us.
Houston, you're only carrion. You're rotten dead meat decomposing fast.
Houston, you have a problem. You're so screwed. The shit has hit the fan.
Houston, it's time for winding The countdown clock for your ultimate demise.
We're coming back. You have a problem.
I may have had a long dream, of mankind's journey to the stars, of robots doing house chores, of people driving flying cars.
Machines would fix the weather, and teleport all foodstuffs. All sickness would be vanquished, hunger something of the past.
We would speak to dolphins. Nobody'd know the word for war. Religion would be legend… But then came the morning light.
I may have had a long dream; we harnessed power from the sun.. Frontiers were only a memory… But here comes the morning light.
Imagine something greater, so great that stays without your grasp, a vision so inspiring that we won't fear the morning light.
Lizard people run the world, a shape shifting alien race. Since Man's early steps on Earth, they have set the pace.
For them we're a brainwashed herd, soon to become slaves —through their mind-control technique using microwaves.
Don't you wanna know? There's a master plan. I'm not paranoid. The media have been gagged.
Don't you wanna know? There's a master plan. After the blackout revelations come.
All diseases come from labs, they're bio-weapons tests. Nanobots in our vaccines programmed to reach the brain.
It's a genocidal plot to take over the Earth hen the New World Order brings the Global government.
Don't you wanna know? There's a master plan. I'm not paranoid. I just know my facts.
I'm NOT paranoid…
[ Instrumental ]
Everybody's happy when you're not around. They celebrate with many a sound.
Everybody's waiting for the day that you'll be gone; don't take long.
Everybody's merry when you're not okay; they sing and dance and drink and play.
Everybody's waiting for the day you'll pass away, but you stay to poison us another day.
Every one rejoices if your plans go wrong; every single poet writes a song.
It's a happy occasion when you run against a wall and you fall. We love to see you when you squall.
We all hope to read your name in a gravestone.
Well, it's time for the show. All the girls are dancing topless, wow!, and the band is ready to go.
Well, it's time for the show. There's a million people waiting and they all want to lick your toes.
They all need to know if you smoke or not, if you'll fuck tonight and with whom. They will check your dress, comment on your hair, hope to be outraged, but why you?
There's a private place, quite a fragile place, where you keep your amber moon. Time to wear your cloak and work the crafty joke. If they scent your fear you're through.
So bright when you ride. So tired when you hide. So nice when you abide. So numb when you died.
Well, it's time for the show. Be so kind as to drop your shadow, it doesn't follow you quick enough.
Well, it's time for the show. Did you hear about crazy diamonds? You just had to outshine them all…
They all need to know if you smoke or not, if you'll fuck tonight and with whom. They will check your dress, comment on your hair, hope to be outraged, but why you?
Let's all feed the beast, not for money or feast, just to dress the old as new. Best not to recall that there was a song where you once said something true.
I don't know where the feeling's gone but I can't control that the world does not seem real.
I don't know if you have been told but the piper's sold all the rats for burger meals.
Alice went to the mirror place just to find herself waiting on the other side.
I don't know why the twister blows and we find ourselves yet in Kansas once again.
I don't know why in science labs all the little mice make experiments with men.
London time equals Hong Kong time as the Earth's spin is stopped by dreadful rhymes.
I don't know if the Bellman minds, but what he says thrice is as false as loaded dice.
I have heard that the Devil won, said he was the Lord and fed us a pack of lies.
I just wish for a sound sleep but the Sandman's parties keep me awake at night;
See Jack Frost breaking the ice. All the mimes are talking…
Our sun's killing Superman, no one gives a damn and I think I'm going mad.
What if your time is seldom sync'd with my time? What if your lies don't sound as true as my lies, girl?
So what if my tongue is tied up? Words will never give you a clue. So what if my mind is not mine? Red and green may be just blue.
We search for paths of gold, strangers in this island. My room contains a world that we cannot share.
You see, we never fit, crazy and left-handed. Someday it will make sense, but someday is not today.
What if I'm late for everything that I crave? What if my flesh feels buried in its own grave, darling?
So what if my face resembles something that I never knew? So what if I feel so wasted that my bed's my prison too?
We search for paths of gold, strangers in this island. My room contains a world that we cannot share.
You see, we never fit, crazy and left-handed. Someday it will make sense, but someday is not today.
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
This is the fray the sword mends (eyes I dare not meet…) This is the pay the lord lends (I dare not pee in dreams…) Dismiss the gay tailor trends, not with harangue but a simper.
This is the way the chord bends. This is the word that transcends. This is the prey the troll claims, not with a clang but a whistle.
The Miss McCray's hot as blaze (thighs I beg to see…) The sleazy dame the horde tames (thy fair lot is supreme…) This is the way we have sex, not with a wank but a stripper.
The writing keeps going on. The words do come out in random order, it's a bore. Creation will never stop, there's no way to stop it.
The universe comes and goes, time means very little now. We're all out of context, but it keeps getting better. We'll never finish the work, it keeps getting better, better, never better, better, ever better, clever better, better, letter better, fetter better, better, ember better, fender bender, better…
Disease, decay and wart scents displeases ladies and gents. The queasy play of noblesse, not with a pang but a bristle.
The cheese sorbet never ends (nice my rare hot brie.) Dismiss the stray lemonades (my mare got tea and creams.) Tease is what they recommend, not in Pyongyang but in Bristol. Not with gang-bang but a ring tone.
Certainty. I just need one simple certainty. There's just too much information.
With science you grew up, you were a rational man, but then God gave you a call; now you know better.
Religion filled it all, then Nietzsche came right along. It seems the Big Guy is gone; now you know better.
Philosophy came in strong, great minds dissected the world, but you saw one UFO; now you know better.
Aliens came ages ago, in their labs they made us grow. Now comes a crisis of thought: Do you know better?
Complexity. Taxing my brain cells. Complexity. If I could avoid the effort…
In a postmodern world objectiveness is at fault; there are no values at all. Now you know better.
But beauty caught your eye; through poetry and through art you found aesthetics at last; now you know better.
Then magic quite popped up, reality is in your mind nd through Will you can change that. Now you know better.
And one day late at night you found your old books of math. You end up where you begun… Do you know better?
[ Instrumental ]
Time is a funny thing.
Time will get you in the end.
Time is a funny thing.
Time, time…
Time for you to wait and die.
Time is a funny thing.
Time will get you in the end.
Time is a funny thing.
Time, time…
This time it's gone and yet you stay. You hope to get another chance to play.
The sun grows old, and you fall down; for wishes cannot keep the higher ground.
This time it's gone and now you hear game over sounds.
This time it's gone and yet you wait. You can't believe that there is no one left.
The stars grow dim. You drop your crown. The score is settled with a hopeless frown.
This time it's gone and now you hear game over sounds.
Datos de producción
Producido por Space Weirdo
Concepto de diseño: Space Weirdo
Música & letras:
© 2012 Chávarri / Ponte
Licencia: BY-NC-SA
* Letra de Rundfunk:
© 2012 A. Mollá
* Moonraker (no en el CD):
© 1979 John Barry
Grabación, mezcla y máster:
G. Ponte @ Estudios Garbanzo (Madrid)
Grabación de batería:
Héctor Miga @ Estudios Santa Fe (Villaverde)
Space Weirdo

Pablo Chávarri

Germán Ponte

Alberto Santos

Eva Kirschner

Álex Cid
saxo tenor 8 15

Nidal Kateb
piano 4

Samuel Martin
1 2 9 13 27

Rafael Merino
coros 13 20

Enrique Gasca
Jack Marlowe

Jorge Lorán
voz 19

Megan Gist
voz radio 21

Marcos Prack